Why Bird of Paradise Plant Leaves Are Curling, Treatment, Control

Curled leaves on your bird of paradise plant can signal underlying issues like improper watering or pests. In this guide, we’ll identify common causes and provide effective treatments to help you restore your plant’s health and lush appearance.

Why Bird of Paradise Plant Leaves Are Curling

bird of paradise plant leaves curling

Bird of paradise plant leaves may curl due to a variety of factors, including environmental stress, improper watering, or pest infestations. If the plant is exposed to low humidity, inconsistent watering, or overly dry air, the leaves can start curling as a way to conserve moisture.

Overwatering or underwatering can lead to nutrient imbalances and cause the leaves to curl or turn yellow, as the roots may not be able to take up water properly. Sometimes, pests like spider mites can cause the leaves to curl as they feed on the plant’s sap.

It’s essential to maintain consistent care by providing the right humidity levels, a proper watering routine, and regular checks for pests. When growing plants like marseille basil alongside your Bird of Paradise, ensure they don’t compete for resources, as this can further stress the plant.

How do I fix my Bird of Paradise curls?

Curling Bird of Paradise leaves, adjust watering to keep the soil consistently moist and increase humidity around the plant. Additionally, check for pests and ensure the plant receives bright, indirect light.

Why won’t my Bird of Paradise leave uncurl?

If your Bird of Paradise leaves won’t uncurl, it may be due to ongoing stress from improper watering, low humidity, or persistent pests. Ensure you address these issues to encourage recovery.

How do you fix curling down leaves?

Fix curling down leaves, adjust watering to avoid over or underwatering, and increase humidity around the plant. Additionally, check for and treat any pest infestations.

What deficiency causes the curling of leaves?

Leaf curling can be caused by nutrient deficiencies, particularly a lack of potassium or calcium. Ensuring balanced fertilization can help resolve this issue.

How To Treatment Bird of Paradise Plant Leaves Are Curling

bird of paradise plant leaves curling

Here are a few points for the treatment paradise plant, marseille basil, and lambs lettuce.

  • Adjust Watering: Ensure consistent watering, keeping the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Check the top inch of soil; if dry, water thoroughly.
  • Improve Humidity: Increase humidity around the plant by misting the leaves regularly or using a humidifier.
  • Inspect for Pests: Examine the plant for signs of pests like spider mites or aphids. Treat infestations with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Check Drainage: Ensure pots have proper drainage to prevent root rot from overwatering. Repot if necessary with well-draining outdoor soil.
  • Optimize Light: Provide bright, indirect light as direct sunlight can scorch leaves, leading to curling.
  • Prune Affected Leaves: Remove damaged leaves to improve overall plant health and encourage new growth.

How To Control Bird of Paradise Plant Leaves Are Curling

Control curling leaves on your Bird of Paradise, start by evaluating and adjusting your watering practices to maintain consistent soil moisture without waterlogging. Increase humidity around the plant through regular misting or by using a humidifier to counteract dry air

Inspect for and address pest infestations with appropriate treatments such as insecticidal soap or neem oil. Ensure that the plant’s pot has good drainage and consider repotting if needed. 

Provide the plant with bright, indirect light to avoid leaf burn and remove any damaged leaves to promote healthier new growth.


Curling leaves on your Bird of Paradise plant typically result from issues such as improper watering, low humidity, or pest problems. By carefully adjusting your watering habits, and increasing humidity levels.

Addressing any pest infestations, you can effectively manage and prevent further curling. Ensuring proper drainage and providing optimal light conditions will also contribute to your plant’s overall health. 

With these steps, you can restore your Bird of Paradise to its vibrant, thriving state.